Friday 29 June 2007


If anyone out there knows the where abouts of Sam & Ella please get in touch with me urgently, apparently this illness I have been suffering all week is all down to them. Yes thats right you've guessed it I've got food poisoning (samonella) I wouldn't recommend it to anyone its not nice at all. One of the main draw backs of being ill is al the family keep turning up to visit me then make charming comments like oh my god you look ghastly are you ok !! No I'm not ok thats why I'm laying on the settee with my sick bowl, bottle of water & the cat for company. Anyone that even remotely knows me would realise that I must be seriously ill if the cat is sitting on me, usually I wont let it anywhere near me.On a positive note even being ill has benefits I cant get to the shops to spend any money so my purse is bulging, every cloud has a silver lining !!