Friday 29 June 2007


If anyone out there knows the where abouts of Sam & Ella please get in touch with me urgently, apparently this illness I have been suffering all week is all down to them. Yes thats right you've guessed it I've got food poisoning (samonella) I wouldn't recommend it to anyone its not nice at all. One of the main draw backs of being ill is al the family keep turning up to visit me then make charming comments like oh my god you look ghastly are you ok !! No I'm not ok thats why I'm laying on the settee with my sick bowl, bottle of water & the cat for company. Anyone that even remotely knows me would realise that I must be seriously ill if the cat is sitting on me, usually I wont let it anywhere near me.On a positive note even being ill has benefits I cant get to the shops to spend any money so my purse is bulging, every cloud has a silver lining !!

Thursday 28 June 2007

Cassie's big day

Well at lasst the day dawned cassie, my youngest, was finally 13, it was like xmas, holidays & birthdays all rolled into one she was so excited. Started with picture and greeting in the evening post, she moaned at that but secretly was chuffed, then lots of gorgeous pressies even more lovely money, 12 friends arrived to be driven off in a limo tour round the mumbles, dropped off in wind street for a meal in china china then off to the pictures. She had faulous day felt and looked like a princess, said I was best mum in the whole world !!
Incase any of you interested in how I enjoyed the day I didn't, unfortunately got food poisoning (no not a hang over all you doubters out there) missed the whole day just ended up with a very large bill for it all and very small bank balance, but it was every penny just to see her face. I love being a mum

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Lovely Weekend

Well for all you people out there worrying that I'd embarrassed my children by going to Escape in the Park I took pity on them and gave my volunteer places to my daughter and her friend. they were well pleased free vip entry, lunch vouchers, invaluable experience volunteering and all they had to do in return was hand out leaflets for a few hours. Me I took the easy option took one look at the cloudy, windwept weather and opted for a nice leisurely lunch with Phil. Outcome of this is we are still one big happy family, peace prevails!!!!
Back to earth with a bump on Monday I did a course on child protection, really depressing subject it never fails to amaze me that there are so many cruel people out there. In an ideal world we would all treat each other with kindness and respect, its much easier to be nice to people than to waste time and energy being nasty. When I am Prime Minister I will make it law that we all live in peace and harmony together, votes please !!

Lovely Weekend

Friday 15 June 2007

The Perfect Day

At long last the I managed to spend quality time with my friend Julie, we had a quick look at the Earth from the Air Exhibition (yes that's right I've been there again!), lovely lunch in Charlie's Chowder House, bit of shopping and lots and lots of gossip. We managed to cram into 4 hours 2 months worth of catch up, plenty of laughter, the odd tear and lots of plans for future meetings.
I did object to Julie pinching my olives but seen as she was paying I couldn't object to much. Cheers Julie you are the best friend ever.

Thursday 14 June 2007

Special Day With a Special Person

Somethings gone very wrong somewhere i've managed to have a whole day off work and i'm going to spend it with my very best friend Julie. We haven't had a day out just the two of us for a few years now there's always been a random collection of children tagging along with us, some of them hers, some mine some complete and utter strangers, we just seem to collect waifs and strays wherever we go. The day will be spent indulging in shopping, eating lushious food drinking fine wine. Well thats the theory anyway watch this space to find out how our day actually went. Got to log off now my beauty treatment is calling i need to look my best, after seeing my photo in the evening post tuesday under the caption The Smart Set I must keepup my reputaion !!!!!!

Tuesday 12 June 2007

Another Manic Weekend

Well so much for my nice relaxing weekend off, yet again I found myself at the Waterfront Museum, but with a different hat on this time. The BBC were launching their Breathing Cities series, huge event thousands of visitors and I had the priviledge of being with the Blaen Y Maes food co-op in the refreshment teppee. What an experience it was brilliant, I met so many interesting people, served lots of fruit salads, drunk lots of water and caught a suntan, what a bonus !!
Next weekend I'm volunteering in the welfare tent at Escape in the Park, my children are mortified as they are going, apparently it's not cool for aged parents to be there. I've just warned them don't turn up in the welfare tent or you'll be sorry when you get home. I love growing old you get to embarass your children, revenge is sweet !!!!!!!!!

Tuesday 5 June 2007


After years of trying to get me to go out in the nights my offspring are now begging me to stay in, they are complaining they never see me, in reality I think they are fed up of spending their own money they'r to used to spending mine !! I can't stay away from the exhibition at the waterfront museum its amazing, not only am I working there but I keep visiting it in the evenings. Last night I went to see the dress rehearsal of a few little drops, which is showing in the garden, took me a few minutes to get into the show, which is audience interactive, but it was absolutely brilliant, well worth a visit, its there till saturday so book a seat now.

Monday 4 June 2007

Back to work !!!

I have spent the last 2 weekends at the Waterfront Museum Swansea with the Earth from the Air exhibition. My legs are aching, I,ve walked around for miles talking to all the visitors, its amazing listening to all their stories I love it I want to be a tour guide pleeeease !!!! Back to normal this week training to be a community developement worker. I'm in the Dove Centre Onllwn with Owen from the digital outreach team being put to shame by an elderly woman making digital movies and I can't understand a word of whats going on, the technical revolution has passed me by. It's very sad & humiliating when my 12 year old daughter has to log me onto the computor, nothing wrong with good old fashioned pen & paper in my book. Attending the official launch of the exhibition tomorrow evening I'm really looking forward to it, should be lots of interesting people there.