Monday 23 July 2007


I am pleased to announce that Oakwood Park has perfected the art of queueing, you now have to queue to join a queue !! Arrived early for my long awaited Girls Aloud Concert, queued to join the queue of other idiots who had bought their tickets over the internet (only about 2000 people) gates open at 6pm only one scanner available to validate all these computer generated tickets. Finally got into park at 6.45 then queued for an hour for our daughters to have chicken & chips, I was prepared to starve so we could get a good place to watch but they refused, then waited 45mins while they queued for megaphobia, then another 30mins cos I wanted coffee. We were all cold, fed up and p****d off by this point but I kept reassuring them it'l be worth it, ha ha ha famous last words. 9 o'clock came & went, frostbite had set in, tempers were carefully being held in check, mutterings were heard whose bright idea was this anyway (mine, mine, mine) then at 9.30 some would be warbler sang 3 songs & legged it off stage quicker than you can blink, 9.50 signs of life 3 cars arrived & finally at 9.58 they appeared on stage, not bad really especially when you consider that the park shuts at 10pm !!! £27.50 per ticket what a rip off, they sang & mimed 7 songs, we saw a few minutes of fireworks & were back in the car by 10.4. WAS IT WORTH IT ? YOU BET IT WAS, WILL I BE THERE NEXT TIME,OF COURSE I WILL ONLY THIS TIME I'LL BE FIRST IN THE QUEUE !!!!