Tuesday 17 July 2007


My life is very wet and very sad at the moment, all weekend I've worked outside in the rain feeling very sorry for myself. It didn't help when I arrived home sunday wet and be draggled to hear my son mutter nice hair do mum !! He obviously had forgotten its his birthday in 3 days time, his chance of getting a nice present now is virtually nil. Monday morning I set off for work, got stuck in horrendous traffic jam, arrived stressed, drove all the way to Banwen to be told by Owen he didn't see the point of me being there. I hope you are feeling guilty Owen I know Claire begged you to let me stay with you both longer than the end of this month. Got a bit wetter then as I sobbed all the way back to Blaen Y Maes (do you feel even a little bit guilty Owen) god I'm going to make you suffer until the end of July. I've got 5 children to deflate me and hurt my ego I don't need it in work as well. Just cos I kept asking you to turn the computor on DO YOU THINK I'M STUPID, answers on a postcard please.
Well at least my car was finally ready after 3 very long weeks, I felt quite sad giving back my little hire car I'd got quite attatched to it. Jumped in my car no radio, no air conditioning, no heater, tried to complain but was told people who don't know what they'r doing shouldn't attempt to fix cars. I didn't touch anything thats why I took it to the garage in the first place. War has been declared I;m going back to the original garage first thing in the morning. Must dash now I need to go and find an armour suit !!