Sunday 5 August 2007


I admit i got it wrong about the weather today, not a cloud in sight, the sun was shining and I looked a triflr silly in my wellies, but there was worse to come. Very good night Saturday but knowing I had to work on Sunday I was very good and went home early (4am) bounced out of bed nice n early, collected my daughters who I had press ganged into volunteering with me. Th ecar was full of them moaning and groaning why do we have to be up at this ungodly hour, it was 8 o'clock, where's their sense of adventure. Halfway down the Mumbles road I realised I didn't have my traders permit to park so I insisted on going back home to collect it, they won't let us in without it I kept repeating to them, we should be so lucky they chorused in unison. The wave was broadcasting from the Mumbles, it was the raft race, my daughters kept whinging we should be there not the boring old Gower Fair, I must admit I did agree with them it sounded brilliant down at the raft race especially with all the sun. All the way down the Gower they kept saying see everyone's gone to the raft race there's no other cars down this way. Did the penny drop ? Unfortunately not I kept on driving only to arrive to be greeting by a very sad sign stating Gower Fair cancelled and a telephone number. I rang and queried why, a very angry man shouted down the phone at me Foot & Mouth then cut me off !!! I'm not even going to repeat what my daughters said but they did cheer up a bit when I gave them £20 each and dropped them off at the Mumbles. They must have had a good time as I haven't seen them since. Owen don't even think about mooing when you see me forget it !! A big thankyou to the 3 people who rang me after I arrived home to inform me the Fair had been cancelled don't bother turning up, cheers each and everyone of you !!!!